Artworx Gallery is a high value fine art gallery
What’s the brief?
I designed the logo for Artworx Gallery to portray a sense of elegance and sophistication. As the gallery dealt with high value fine art its branding needed to appeal with a highbrow target audience, but also feel approachable to any potential customer.
I used the back of the business cards as a miniature portfolio and decided to have different paintings on the back of the card so clients could choose their favourite artist or painting. This would make sure they would hold onto the card and maybe even share it with people around them. Along with designing the gallery brochure, I also designed all the event posters, leaflets, compliments slips, large format banners, artist notes handouts and even notes on ‘How to care for your art’ factsheets.
Part of my role within the gallery was to create and execute campaigns, this included creating visuals of new art collections and informing clients via newsletters, social media, PR, online visual banners, adverts for newspapers and also magazines.